Art Credits

It is my great fortune that I am able to feature some really wonderful artwork here at Elrood Sector. The artists who've created it have really given this site some pop, and I am in their debt. If you enjoy what you see here, make sure you drop the artists a line - I'm sure they'd love to hear from you!

Are you an artist yourself? If you're interested in seeing your own work up here in Elrood Sector, I would love to feature it! Just pick a Sourcebook entry that attracts you, do up a sketch, scan it (at screen resolution, preferably), and send it on over... chances are, you'll see it posted here in no time! Alternatively, you can send me any sci-fi related artwork of yours to look at, and we can go from there. If you're so inclined, you could illustrate entire episodes! It's my aim to increase the visibility of Star Wars fan artists, helping them to reach a broader audience. If you'd like to further discuss the possibilities, please email me.

And now, here are the credits for everything you see here so far:

Tales of the Freespirit


Episode I - Discovery
Allan Whincup, coloured by Dave Myatt


Episode II - The Great Wide Open
Amanda Price, except 'Brawl at Lockjaw's' by Dave Myatt with Amanda Price


Episode III - Stranglehold
Amanda Price


Episode IV - Help Wanted
Allan Whincup


Episode V - Six Degrees
Bob Rodgers


Episode VI - Upside Downtime
Amanda Price


Episode VII - All the Wrong People
Amanda Price

the Tales of the Freespirit Sourcebook


Chapter 1: Characters
Amanda Price, except 'Avery Kranzt', 'Itar Grendling', 'Mirren Anjivar Resh' and 'Marzo Doole', by Paul Swain, and 'Stav Pollos' by Allan Whincup, coloured by Dave Myatt


Chapter 2: Alien Species
Amanda Price


Chapter 3: Creatures
Guillaume Menuel


Chapter 4: Droids
Amanda Price


Chapter 5: Equipment
Amanda Price


Chapter 6: Vehicles
I. J. Thompson


Chapter 7: Starships
'Freespirit' by Peter Schlough; 'Freespirit deck plan' by Ben Flood-Paddock, TORIS; 'Mighty Kaggle' by I. J. Thompson; and 'Kaggle Fighter' by Pablo Hidalgo (Pablo - I've never heard back from you regarding my request to use this illustration here. Instead of letting the one good illustration of the Zebra starfighter be lost forever, I elected to post it here. If you want it removed, please just email me and it will be taken down immediately.)


Chapter 8: Locations
Bob Rodgers


Chapter 9: Astrography
Bob Rodgers, except 'Dega' by I. J. Thompson, and 'Degan Gas Clouds' by Amanda Price

'Tales of the Freespirit' logo by the Thompson Bros.
'Group Photo' characters by Amanda Price, ship by Peter A. Schlough
