Mission Log


Date: 37:8:12 - 37:8:31

With the slaver base safely in their hands, the Nova Dragons requested assistance from the Alliance to begin relocation of the freed slaves. Finding little in the base of immediate value, the Nova Dragons handed the site over to the Alliance, allowing them to remove whatever matériel and equipment they desired. The only item that the Nova Dragons took was Dev Fort's personal computer core. Kethan also handed over the now repaired A600ATV Fortune Trader to the Alliance on the condition that they would transport the ex-slaves to safety. He also requested that the Fortune Trader be made available to the Nova Dragons should they ever require its services. The Alliance commander was only too happy to agree.

With the ex-slaves heading for freedom, the Hammer left the Alliance to their recovery operations and headed back to the Waypoint Station in the Ringali Shell, whilst the Wild Fire went on a run for Headhunter spares.

Kal scratched his head, "OK", he said, though there was no one there to hear him, "You and me are going to go one on one, and I'm gonna win!"

The datascreen didn't respond. It wasn't supposed to. Kal cracked his knuckles and began to enter code…

"Stang!" Kal was not in the best of moods. He'd tried at least a dozen decryption codes and still this slaver's log refused to give up its contents. He sulked across to the autochef and dialled in yet another stimcaf. Sipping on the hot, bitter liquid, Kal mused that maybe he ought to make this one the last. He was starting to get wired, and it wouldn't do for the Chief medical Officer of the Hammer to be unfit for duty.

Turning back to the recalcitrant data, Kal stopped, and stared down into the cup. "Wow, this stuff is stronger than I thought! I'm starting to see patterns on the screen!"

Kal dropped the cup; it was suddenly of no significance. He wasn't hallucinating on too much strong stimcaf, the decryption had finally cracked the code.

Absently he keyed the comm panel. "Bridge, this is Kal, I'm in the main computer room. Captain, I've found something that I think you ought to see…"

"On my way." Kethan stretched out of the command chair and headed down to the computer room. "Aaron, you have the bridge."


"This is all I've managed to get so far, Kethan, sorry." Kal said pointing the view screen.

<<Personal Log>>
<<Dev Fort>>

Curse those Nova Dragons; they dog my every step, laying ruin to all my plans. Why did I hire them that one time? Why?!

First they vape the holding centre. Then I'm forced to destroy Site Bravo 4 on Blom III. I was lucky to escape with my life. Perhaps it was fortunate that my injuries were such that I couldn't report back to my master. Lucky for me Sordan knows the meaning of loyalty. When he got word to me that Nexus would have executed me had I survived the explosion. Ingrates! After all I had done for Nexus, they were going to repay a minor set back with a blaster bolt in the skull! Well curse them, too. They can rot with the Nova Dragons. I'll set up my own organisation. I have all the contacts, they'll never know until it's too late.

"Don't be hard on yourself, Kal, from what you've been saying it's a devious code. At least you have the key now. Get back to it, and see if you can dig anything else out."

Kethan left Kal to his work.

"So it wasn't a Nexus base we took down, after all." He thought. "Well, it was a nest of mynocks that needed cleaning…"





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