The Ringali Shell

The Calldor System

Name: Arun
System: Calldor
Sector: Darpa
Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Hot
Atmosphere: Type IV
Hydrosphere: Arid
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Mountain, Volcanoes, Lava Lakes, Rift Valleys
Length of Day: 17 Standard Hours
Length of Year: 294 Local Days
Sentient Species: -
Starports: -
Population: -
Planet Function: -
Government: -
Tech Level: -
Major Exports: -
Major Imports: -
Addendum: Arun is the first planet in the Calldor system and is closest to the system's sun. This unstable planet is racked with earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, which continuously alter the planet's landscape. The carbon dioxide rich atmosphere is choked with ash, debris and swirling corrosive clouds of sulphur. Arun's surface is incredible hot and as far scientists can tell, the planet is completely devoid of any life forms. From exploration scans of Arun, the planet appears to contain some rich veins of several different minerals, but the harsh environment has, so far, ruled out any mining expeditions.

Name: Calldor
System: Calldor
Sector: Darpa
Type: Terrestrial
Temperature: Warm
Atmosphere: Type I
Hydrosphere: Moderate/Dry
Gravity: Standard
Terrain: Urban, Rocky Plains, Mountain
Length of Day: 18 Standard Hours
Length of Year: 326 Local Days
Sentient Species: Humans
Starports: Imperial Class
Population: 17 Billion
Planet Function: Trade
Government: Imperial Governor
Tech Level: Space
Major Exports: All
Major Imports: All

Addendum: Calldor is the second planet in the Calldor system, which is located deep in the heart of the Ringali Nebula. It gains its importance from its status as a hub for six hyperspace routes, which is further multiplied by its relative close proximity to the Perlemian Trade Route.

The planet itself is dominated by dozens of massive cities, vast rocky plains and towering mountain ranges. Calldor has a warm and pleasant climate, with minimal seasonal changes. This, combined with the relatively short days and year, results in the local inhabitants being happy, but very busy. On Calldor, the phrase "Not enough hours in the day" reaches new levels of meaning and is widely used by the locals.

The capital city, Lermoy, is by far the largest city and contains the planet's massive Imperial Class starport called Gracus Field. Located on the outskirts of Lermoy, the starport sprawls over a huge area and can handle any starship that is capable of landing on a planet. Gracus Field is never quiet and is always a hive of activity with freighters coming and going. Virtually every type of commodity can be found going through the starport at some stage or another.

In addition to its thriving import-export business, Calldor is famous for its black stone, which has, when worked in a particular fashion, a blue sheen to it. This expensive stone is used by sculptors to create statues and artwork all around the galaxy. Calldor is also well known for its parachuting school, which teaches all levels of parachuting for both the public and military.





This site copyright © 2000-2007 Dean Magill, All rights reserved. Where appropriate, this site copyright © 2000-2007 Dave Powell, Jon Conway and Mick Green, All rights reserved.