Mission Log

Episode V: Convoy 1037

Date: 37:6:2 - 37:6:13

After a somewhat heavy night, the Hammer's command staff along with Major Saxs, Captain Harlox and Commander Norn held a meeting in the conference room. During the meeting Captain Harlox outlined the Alliance's need for communications equipment and that there was a viable target in a nearby system - a vessel called Red Moon. The vessel was on its way to the Brentaal system to meet up with the rest of the Red Star Shipping convoy 1037, which was about to head Coreward. It was felt that they could probably snare the Red Moon and the rest of convoy 1037 if the Alliance could provide some additional support. Captain Harlox promised the aid of the Alliance as long as the mission was viable and it was decided that they would go and have a closer look at the rest of the waiting convoy.

The Hammer and Wild Fire set out for the outskirts of the Brentaal system, and from there the Wild Fire proceeded in system to do a discreet fly by, whilst the Hammer remained on the fringe of the system.

Whilst passing through the Brentaal system, the Wild Fire detected convoy 1037, which was docked with one of Red Star Shipping's hubs. The convoy consisted of three Action IV freighters, three YT-1300 light freighters and one YT-2000 light freighter. In addition to the freighters, the Imperial Navy YVG Corvette, Victor, was also docked with the hub. Satisfied that they had gathered all the information that they could, the Wild Fire micro jumped back to the Hammer to report to their findings.

On hearing the information, Kal suggested that Samic and himself could forge some orders, which would allow them to join the convoy as an escort. Agreeing with the idea, it was decided that they would have to pull the convoy out of hyperspace when they were between systems. This, combined with the jamming of all comm signals after exiting hyperspace, would allow the Hammer to maintain her cover and would stop the convoy from receiving any Imperial assistance. The crew decided to stage the ambush between the Chandrilla and Corulag systems, using a large asteroid that could be carried to the location by the Lasso. To aid in this dangerous mission, Captain Harlox guaranteed the assistance of the Pegasus, a Corellian Corvette, and some Y-wings.

Happy with the plan, the Wild Fire headed back to the Waypoint station to pick up the Lasso and to arrange a rendezvous with the Pegasus. Meanwhile, the Hammer micro jumped into the Brentaal system to join convoy 1037.

On arriving in system, the Hammer contacted the Victor and requested permission to join the convoy. The somewhat arrogant Captain Dasitt attempted to shrug the Hammer's 'orders' off by saying that his vessel was a Navy starship and as such didn't need any customs assistance. Kethan, seeing the captain for what he was, appealed to his ego and acted like a sycophantic customs captain in need of training. Dasitt readily accepted Kethan's bluff and the Hammer joined the convoy.

Two anxious days passed before the Red Moon finally showed up in system and joined the rest of the convoy. Not long after the Red Moon's arrival, the convoy headed out and jumped into hyperspace.

Two days later the trap was sprung. The convoy was pulled out of hyperspace and were greeted by the Pegasus, four Y-wings, the Wild Fire and the Lasso on the starboard bow. The Pegasus immediately started to open fire on the Victor with its turbolaser turrets whilst attempting to disable the lead Action IV freighter with its ion cannons. The Y-wings and the Wild Fire gunned their engines and started to make a run on the light freighters. Meanwhile, Dasitt ordered the Hammer to swing around from the portside to engage the Pegasus, whilst the Victor remained stationary and engaged the Pegasus and the Y-wings. At the same time the freighters making up the convoy broke up their formation and started to flee from the escalating battle.

Rather than swinging round, the Hammer dropped in on the Victor's portside. Dasitt started to chastise the idiotic customs captain when he was cut off by a volley of gunfire from the Hammer and comm jamming...

In the ensuing conflict, Morrez managed to fire a lucky missile salvo from Zeta 6 into the engine housing of the Victor, setting off a chain reaction that tore the vessel apart. The Alliance lost two of its Y-wings and both the Hammer and Pegasus sustained minor damage. The three TIE fighters carried by the Victor were also destroyed, brought down by the Hammer's gunners. A YT-1300 freighter, an Action IV freighter and the YT-2000 freighter were also destroyed. All the remaining freighters were disabled and then boarded by an Alliance transportation fleet, which the Pegasus summoned once the combat was over. All of the freighters bar one Action IV were repaired and taken away by the Alliance. The Hammer and Wild Fire then systematically destroyed all the black boxes and sensor logs of the remaining vessels and destroyed the badly damaged Action IV before heading back to the Waypoint station with the Lasso.

Captain's Log:


I firmly believe that the success of our mission is vital to the success of the Rebellion. Our remit is unlikely to hasten the end of the Empire; however, it will make that happy event easier to achieve. Alliance Command had requested that we investigate the feasibility of capturing the freighter Red Moon and its entire cargo of communications equipment, vital matériel for the Alliance effort. Circumstances were such that it simply wasn't possible for us to reach the freighter in time for such an operation to be successful. However, the need for the communications equipment was by no means diminished. In conference with the senior staff, together with Major Saxs, the plan was laid to join the Red Star Shipping convoy and from that position of stealth enact the capture of the entire convoy.

Whilst the Hammer is a fine ship, such a mission was well beyond her capabilities, and as such, we requested Alliance assistance for the operation. They were able to provide a Corellian Corvette, the Pegasus under Captain Anderson, thankfully outfitted with ion cannons, a flight of Y-wings, and they also sanctioned the release of Syl from his other Alliance related duties to bring the Wild Fire into the operation.

Kal and Samic were able to forge orders detailing us to the convoy escort, and I was lucky enough to be able to exploit the Imperial Navy's low opinion of its Customs brethren to reinforce those orders. Then we simply had to wait, deep in the heart of the enemy's den. We waited for two days for the Red Moon to join the convoy. Due to the heightened state of tension on the Hammer during this time, I found it very difficult to reach a meditative state to pursue my study of the Force.

The rest of the plan was relatively simple. I remembered it from a description my Grandfather had told me of an operation during the Clone Wars. Raggy used the Lasso to drag an asteroid into the space lane, with a large enough gravity shadow to force the convoy out of hyperspace at a remote spot.

The Pegasus, Y-wings and Wild Fire were waiting. Predictably the Navy skipper began passing out orders moving to intercept the Pegasus, I'm not sure whether to be relieved or concerned when our first salvo barely scratched the surface of the Navy ship, Victor (it too was a YVG Corvette, the same as the Hammer). The Pegasus took heavy damage but was able to cripple most of the larger freighters. Unfortunately we lost two of the Y-wings to defensive fire, plus one of the light freighters was hit in its engine core and lost completely before we were able to beat the Victor. Sadly our victory was only assured when a missile struck the engines of the Victor causing a fuel explosion and the loss of the ship with all hands. They say you cannot make an omelette without breaking a few eggs, but when those "eggs" are people, no matter what the regime they support… There was a small disturbance in the Force when the vessel exploded. I imagine I was the only one to notice, and even then it really only registered as a pinprick, yet that small injury will scar me till the end of my days.

Other than the regrettable loss of life, the operation was a huge success, the hand to mouth existence I wrote of a day or so ago looks to be a thing of the past. The coffers are full, the crew's morale is sky high, we were even able to maintain our cover (at least to the best of my knowledge, though that may well change next time we reach a major system). Money is available to begin the refit the Hammer as and when operational needs allow. Even my own purse is overflowing!

What have we done this day? It is still my deepest and undying hope that we have struck a blow for the freedom of all the people in the galaxy, freedom from fear, freedom to pursue dreams, freedom to simply live and plan and hope. I knew what the potential consequences of Project Hammer would be before we embarked on this mission and to show regrets now is a disservice to the courage and determination of all those struggling under the yoke of Imperial oppression.

I will be instructing Kribaczek to begin detailing the components we require for the various ship modifications that have been discussed previously, and see if Samic can locate a suitable haven where we might put in and refit. The fight is carried to the Empire.

-Captain Kethan Falor


Attached - Copies of the communiqué I sent to Imperial Naval Command and their response.

<<956812.9832.39/37:6:13/IMP.NC/RINGALI SHELL/>>
<<RE: CONVOY 1037>>


It is with regret that I have to inform you of the total loss of the Red Star Shipping convoy 1037. A Rebel force used an asteroid to force our convoy out of hyperspace. A combined force of three Corellian Corvettes and two squadrons of Y-wings attacked.

The combined action by Victor and Hammer was able to heavily damage one of the Corellian Corvette's, damage both the others and destroy a dozen Y-wing fighters. The Victor was the main focus of the enemy force and was lost with all hands when a damaged Y-wing struck the, already damaged, main engineering section causing an engine explosion. The Hammer took a hit to the hanger bay, and was knocked out of the fight by ionisation damage. Two of Action IV freighters were destroyed with all hands, as were a YT2000 and a YT1300 light freighters. All the Hammer's major systems were offline at this point, we may well have appeared to have been dead in space, which is the only reason I think we survived. The remaining vessels were immobilised and then boarded. It is my assumption that the Rebel pirates massacred the crews and stole the vessels and their cargo.

I have attached what remains of our sensor logs of this action, however, they were damaged during the engagement and despite the best efforts of my chief engineer it contains little information.

We have completed repairs and are resuming patrols.

Captain Renner
ICV Hammer


<<956812.9832.39/37:6:14/HAMMER/RINGALI SHELL/>>
<<FROM: Imperial Naval Command>>
<<RE: CONVOY 1037>>

Captain Renner,

This attack on the Empire and its supporters will not be tolerated. A full investigation will be conducted by Naval Intelligence and I'm sure that they'll be looking to meet with you in the near future. Continue to carry out your orders and remain vigilant, this raid could signify the beginnings of a Rebel campaign in the area.

Commander Malone
Advisor to Admiral Ridol








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