Episode V - Six Degrees

by I. J. Thompson

illustrated by Bob Rodgers

Having formed an uneasy alliance with the Dazouri crime lord Boss Kaggle, our heroes, along with their guide and captain Grakkata the Wookiee, and the droids Dot and RO-6, venture forth to the capital system of Elrood sector to seek their fortunes, and forge their fates…

P.O.V.: space. As the title crawl recedes into the far distance, the hulking Treespirit, a Ghtroc 720 freighter painted in the warm shades of forest camouflage, screams in from beneath the camera.

INT: Treespirit lounge area. The crew lay slumped lazily in padded chairs; Avery and Itar sitting on either side of a half-forgotten dejarik holochess game, Resh studying antique paper notebooks salvaged from his old home on Lanthrym, while the Wookiee woman Grakkata gnaws idly on a nutribar. The droids RO-6 and Dot sit quietly in a corner, the latter deep in a mechanical snooze. An ugly metallic buzzing is heard, in sharp contrast to the sounds of an otherwise smoothly running starship.

AVERY: What’s that buzzing?

ITAR: What buzzing?

AVERY: In the section. Don’t you hear it?

GRAKKATA: Wrrowwll?

RESH: I can’t even think with all of that buzzing.

ITAR: Go see what it is.

RESH: I’m studying. Besides, I’m no engineer.

ITAR: Avery?

AVERY: Aw, blast it… Dot, go and see what it is!

D0T: (shuddering awake) Rrrrhr-hhrr-rrrr.

RO-6: Dot asks if there is anything pressing you need blown up.

AVERY: No, it hasn’t come to that, yet.

The buzzing gets louder

ITAR: Sounds kinda like hydrospanners caught in the air circulator.

RESH: It’s driving me nuts!

AVERY: Somebody go!

ITAR: I’m not movin’!

GRAKKATA: Grrraarhmmff!

RESH: Okay, enough! Who’s going?

Looks around at the others, sprawled lazily in their seats, and rises.

RESH: Well, alright. Just don’t nobody say I don’t do nothin’ around here…

INT: Aft technical section. It’s darker here, criss-crossing pipes and banks of equipment casting stark shadows on the walls. Resh comes into view, holding a glowrod aloft as he roots out the source of the buzzing racket. His search takes him to an air circulator, of rickety construction and blackened with decades of soot. Studying the piece of foreign equipment, Resh frowns and raises his glowrod to shoulder-height.

RESH: We’ll just tune you up a little…

The Gotal pounds his lamp into the air circulator a few times, in various locations. The buzzing continues intermittently for a moment, and then disappears altogether.

RESH: Hmmm…

His comlink beeps.

RESH: Yeah.

AVERY: (V.O.) Hey, stop slackin’ back there, buddy! We’re about to hit the Capital. Don’t you wanna see the big city?

RESH: (smiles) Be right there, soon as I get finished with all of this slackin’, wiseguy!

EXT: The glittering jewel of Elrood, the Capital planet of Elrood sector, fills the screen as the Treespirit thunders toward it at high speed. It is a marvelous, sunny day on this world as the vessel glides in over the rolling plains, under a brilliant blue sky.

INT: Treespirit cockpit. Everyone looks out the cockpit glass as the bustling metropolis of Elrooden comes into view. As they travel, we see a thin, spike-shaped modern pyramid looming larger through the transparisteel viewport.

RO-6: Radell Mining… at last, I’ll get to take some of my expertise to the competition.

AVERY: What do you mean?

RO-6: Did I not tell you? Before I was ‘liberated’ by miss Grakkata here, I worked for Imperial Mining Ltd.!

RESH: You’re an Imperial droid?

RO-6: (In mock apology) Don’t blame me! Unlike yourselves, we droids rarely have the privilege of choosing for whom we work!

EXT: Platform. The Treespirit lowers itself onto one of several tiny platforms surrounding the Radell pyramid, powering down and lowering its ramp. The crew (minus the droids) steps out, drinking in the fresh air and sunshine. Cut to:

INT: Conference chamber. The heroes are seated around a large, wooden table, sipping water from metal cups and admiring the majestic view out the great windows. The door hisses open, and into the chamber strides Devron Zal, a young, professional executive. Not a day over twenty-five, Devron is resplendent in his expertly tailored suit, and he knows it. He takes the heroes in for a moment, peering out at them from beneath his perfectly oiled and styled professional hairdo. Taking a chair, he leans back and treats them all to a prize-winning smile.

DEVRON: Greetings, I’m Devron Zal, Radell’s Chief Contractor Liaison. It’s a pleasure to have you here, today.

AVERY: How do you do, I’m Avery Kranzt. This is Itar, Resh, and our captain, Grakkata.

GRAKKATA: Harrnnkk!

DEVRON: You had no difficulties landing, I trust?

ITAR: None at all, thanks to you Radell guys. Grakkata gave us the impression it would take an hour just to reach the surface, the port authorities are supposed to be so strict. Then we mention we’ve come in answer to your call for freelancers, and they sent us straight here with no difficulty!

DEVRON: Yes, we all here on Elrood appreciate the port authority’s strict landing procedures, but in the professional arena they do become a trifle tedious. Thankfully, we here at Radell are able to bypass all that. And while you people are operating in our employ, so can you.

RESH: (leaning forward with interest) What exactly are we being hired to do?

DEVRON: I need you to shuttle me about the sector. I have an important meeting to attend on Torina, and I will also need to make a temporary stopover at Coyn. I trust that should be easy enough for you?

AVERY: Well, sure, but… don’t you guys have your own ships for this sort of thing?

DEVRON: (smiles) Yes, we have plenty. However, the dramatic increase in pirate activity around the sector has made our Radell ships some of the hottest targets around. And then, of course, there is always the danger of running into Imperial Mining’s vessels. They’ll resort to anything to get us out of the picture. If I travel by private transport, I can get my business concluded quickly and quietly.

ITAR: Well, if it’s pirates you’re worried about, I should warn you we’re not exactly on the best of terms with the pirate Dorok Zalaster.

DEVRON: Well, he’s exactly the kind of threat I’m paying you to keep me safe from.

Grakkata barks out a query.

RESH: Speaking of which… how much?

DEVRON: Radell is prepared to pay you 2000 credits for your trouble, and to pay your expenses, along the way.

GRAKKATA: Worowrrr!

AVERY: (rising) I guess that means you’ve got yourself a ship!

P.O.V.: Hyperspace. The Treespirit streaks down a spinning corridor of stellar light, the camera following close behind.

DEVRON: (V.O.) What is going on around here?!?

INT: Treespirit lounge area, Grakkata, Avery, Itar, Resh, Arro-Six and Devron Zal are present. The young executive has leaped from his seat, and is angrily batting at the tufts of shed Wookiee hair clinging to the back of his suit.

DEVRON: This is absolutely preposterous! I’ve never seen such shoddy conditions!

GRAKKATA: Hrronnk!

ARRO: Is there something about your trip that is not to your satisfaction, sir?

DEVRON: Don’t get smart with me, robot! I’ll be satisfied if you can get all this blasted hair out of these pants!

He puts his palms to his nose, inhaling.

DEVRON: Great, now not only am I wearing Wookiee, I smell like one, too!

Avery and Resh exchange a look, the Gotal stifling laughter.

DEVRON: Something funny, there, Cones?

RESH: (not getting drawn in) Not at all, sir! I was just thinking, perhaps our onboard laundry could get that hair out. You’ll find it in the aft section, in the refresher.

The young professional shoots him a sour look, then stalks away toward the refresher.

DEVRON: It just better get it out, or somebody’s fee is going down eleven hundred credits…

Grakkata watches the man go, waiting a second before howling out a rude noise.

ITAR: That’s what I was gonna say…

AVERY: Let’s just not say anything. Maybe he’ll forget about us, back here…

A panicked shout is heard from the direction of the refresher/laundry. The crew rises in alarm, as Devron Zal comes stumbling backward toward them, pursued by Dot, rolling sleepily along on his dual treads.

DEVRON: (shouting again) And just what is this thing doing here?

AVERY: (walking up to the droid, and squatting down to pat him affectionately) This is my droid, Dot. Dot’s in demolitions.

DOT: Hrrr-rrhhhrrrr…

DEVRON: Don’t tell me what he is, space jockey! I know what that thing is for!

ITAR: Then, um, why’d you ask?

Devron spins around to glare at them all, taking a breath and smoothing back his hair.

DEVRON: Alright, now you all listen to me for a minute. In the short time I’ve been trapped on this garbage scow, I’ve been forced to endure a slow, bumpy ride, bad food, smoke, a lumpy bunk, Wookiee hair, funny smells, a crew with no appreciation for the word ‘service’, and now, I’m expected to just sit back and smile, while I share quarters with an outdated droid that’s designed to BLOW THINGS UP?!?

Avery rises, stepping forward to bring himself nose-to-nose with the company man. Silently, the others (including the droids) form themselves into a group around and behind him.

AVERY: Yeah.

Devron looks at the group, swallowing impotent rage. Spinning away, he stalks back toward the ship’s crew quarters.

DEVRON: I’m going to my bunk, and I do not want to be disturbed until we’ve reached Coyn.

The crew stares angrily after him a moment, Itar breaking the tension with a firm hand on Avery’s shoulder.

ITAR: C’mon, Ave’. I think it’s still your move in that holochess game we’ve been playin’ for two weeks.

The tension dissolves, everyone turning away toward his or her own activities.

DOT: Hr-rrrrhhh!


EXT: Coyn. The heroes have landed in the city of Im’Tra’Tais, and are revealed from above walking the streets of the large urban centre. Armoured Coynites travel around them, as do numerous spacers and beings of many species.

RESH: When are we supposed to be picking up 'his majesty'?

ITAR: (checking his chronometer) Not for another ten minutes, yet.


AVERY: Glad to hear it. I'd like to put off another run-in with that corporate clown for as long as we can.

ITAR: (looking around) Well, I'd agree wholeheartedly, except these Coynites ain't no barrel of Kowakian Lizard Monkeys, themselves!

A pointy-eared Lasat has been watching the quartet from an alley, and now steps forward, calling out.

LASAT: Itar!

The group looks around, Itar spotting the stranger and stepping forward, puzzled.

ITAR: Can I help you?

LASAT: (smiling) At some point, no doubt, though I think not today. The question now, is 'can I help you?'. (he turns toward the Wookiee) Hello again, Grakkata...

The Wookiee, clearly not recognizing the round-eyed alien, growls in warning as Avery and Resh look at one another in confusion.

LASAT: Oh, you don't recognize me. Perhaps this may help...

The being backs up into the mouth of the alley, and there, in the half-darkness, suddenly transforms into the appearance of Imperial General Solter. As Resh and Avery gasp, Itar and Grakkata laugh in recognition.

ITAR: Oh, I get it. You guys, this is Anybody - a shape-shifter I met through Grakkata when I first came to the sector. Anybody was posing as this General, and had done a favour for Grakkata, but I had to go and meet him, as a favour to Grakkata because she was doing a favour for me and... well, it's complicated.

ANYBODY: (laughing) Speaking of which, Grakkata, have you been able to use the information I compiled for you on that tape? (Listening to her answer) Well, I'm sure when you decide to act upon it, it will prove invaluable to you.

RESH: You said a moment ago you may know something of interest to us?

ANYBODY:  You are correct, my horned friend. Now, I don't want to alarm you, but I think it would be wise for the four of you to keep a closer eye on your surroundings.

AVERY: What are you talking about?

Anybody points above and behind them, to the top of a tall building down the street. Squinting in the sunshine, the others follow his gaze.

ANYBODY: Do you see that?

Poised on top of the building is a small figure in a dull black jumpsuit. About the size of a small human, the figure stares back at them from beneath a tangle of thick, dead white locks. As they watch, the being fluidly sinks from sight.

ANYBODY: I don't know what kind of trouble you've been getting yourselves into, but somebody's brought the Binoshi out after you.

ITAR What's a Binoshi?

ANYBODY: It's all in the recon report I gave you. You really must look at this stuff, friends!

RESH: Back up a minute - what is this report you're talking about?

Grakkata honks out a lengthy reply.

ANYBODY: (translating) She apologizes, and says she didn't want to announce anything to the three of you until she had a more concrete plan. The document I speak of is an in-depth undercover examination of Dorok Zalaster's pirate base on Lanthrym, compiled by me.

ITAR: Zalaster? Oh no... he certainly has reason to send someone after us!

ANYBODY: But it doesn't make sense. The Binoshi Assassins don't actually work for Zalaster. He just transports them. I've only ever seen the Binoshi work under contract to Imperial Mining. Quite a convenient little setup, actually. Imperial Mining hires the Binoshi to act as boarding troops in the seizure of Radell cargoes, all the while unknowing that these assassins are making their own copies of Radell and Imperial Mining shipping data. The Binoshi then bring all this info back to Dorok Zalaster, who attacks ships from both companies, and shares the wealth with them. A beautiful system. But what would they want with you?

AVERY: (kicking at the ground) I'll bet it has something to do with a pipsqueak, data pushing Radell executive named Devron Zal...

The others turn to search their surroundings once more. Two more Binoshi are revealed in the distance, seeming to almost vanish as soon as they are seen.

ITAR: Then I guess we'd better go and pick up Smiley. Thank you for the tip, Anybody. If you ever need a favour from us, don't be afraid to ask.

ANYBODY: (turning once more into the Lasat) Oh, when the time comes I need a favour from you, I won't need to ask. It will likely be taken without your ever even knowing...

EXT.: The city of Leander, on Torina. The architecture is mostly composed of reflective surfaces, glittering brightly in the sun. The entire city is completely surrounded by an elaborate, elevated freeway system, which buzzes with constant repulsorlift traffic. This system separates the metropolitan centre from the flat, spacious suburban areas that surround it

EXT.: Treespirit crew are hanging around on the steps of the tower which houses the local Radell offices, looking bored. It is a pleasant, late afternoon, the shadows growing long around them.

AVERY: You know, it's hard to feel like you're doing an important job, when everywhere you go, you're told to wait outside.

GRAKKATA: Grrohhhllr...

RESH: (smoking) Hey, I'm enjoying this. This city could have the freshest air I've ever breathed!

ITAR: It probably has something to do with the private transportation law. Repulsorlifts are mostly clean and all, but when everyone's forced to park outside the city, it still manages to make things a whole lot cleaner.

Devron Zal bursts forth from the building's tall doors, striding jauntily past the others.

DEVRON: Another good day's work, friends! Let's get out of here. Itar, did you get us a speeder, like I told you?

ITAR: (he and the others hurrying along after the young man) Mr. Zal, I thought we'd gone over this. Each city on Torina is a blissful, peaceful community. No private transportation is allowed within the city boundaries!

DEVRON: Do I look blissful to you, space-grunt? I want a speeder! So, you can forget about me riding on that public train you talked me into on the way here.

RESH: (flagging down a marked vehicle in the road) How about a hired speeder?

The speeder pulls up to the curb, Devron hesitating while the others head toward it.

DEVRON: Well, alright, but I get to sit on the end.

They all climb into the open-air speeder, the driver greeting them with a wide smile and speaking to them in accented basic.

CABBIE: Good afternoon. Where are you going now, please?

AVERY: Hangar cluster GN-31, thank you.

The speeder pulls away into the street, which is home to more wandering Torine pedestrians than it is vehicles. 

CABBIE: Have you been enjoying your stay here on Torina?

GRAKKATA: Wwrrogggrr.

AVERY: Yes, it's very nice.

DEVRON: Yeah, but you really need a police force to keep the people from walking around in these roads, though. I don't know how you people get anything done! And while you're doing that, you need some vehicle hiring outlets, as well. This cab and train business is really just ridiculous. That's the problem with you Torines - don't get me wrong, but you're all lazy. If you ever want to become a real major world in Elrood sector, you've just got to shake this 'slow-lane' mentality!

The Driver sneers in quiet distaste, studying his rear sensors.

CABBIE: (motioning behind them) Perhaps, you think we should all be screaming around like these ones, no? 

They all turn around, to discover three Binoshi Assassins bearing down upon them on speeder bikes.

AVERY: Step on it! Move!

CABBIE: I'm very sorry, but I could go on report if I exceed the posted speed limit!

A barrage of blaster fire from one of the bikes spits around their heads.

CABBIE: (accelerating wildly) Oh my!

The speeder screams down the street, robed Torine pedestrians hurling themselves out of the way as it goes by, followed by the three bikes. The first bike rises higher above street level, overtaking the speeder cab and positioning itself directly above the larger vehicle. The Binoshi reaches down, grabbing for Devron Zal's collar as the wind makes a nightmare mask of its bluish face and tangled white hair. 

DEVRON: (staring up in shock) Help me!

Avery draws his blaster, firing at the Binoshi at point-blank range. Somehow, the assassin manages to avoid being hit, its bike peeling away from them.

DEVRON: What was that?

RESH: (firing out the back of the cab) That, Mr. Zal, is one reason why you should be treating the hired help with a little more respect!

The chase has gradually moved out of the city centre, and begins to emerge onto the snake-like elevated freeway system. While the Freespirit crew trade shots with the Binoshi, Devron Zal yells at the driver from his new hiding place, wedged between the speeder's seats.

DEVRON: Step on it, driver! What am I paying you for?

CABBIE: Forgive me, but I do not want to see us crashing off the side of these lanes!

AVERY: Just keep us on the road, we'll take care of these guys!

One of the Binoshi is taken out by a shot from Grakkata's bowcaster, the other two accelerating to close the gap. Dodging blaster fire and other vehicles, the black-clad assassins seem to have no trouble keeping their quarry in range.

ITAR: (shooting) Blast, they're slippery!

RESH: We just have to keep them from getting close!

A shot from one of their assailants rocks the speeder, sending them all bouncing into one another.

CABBIE: My cab! My cab has been shot!

AVERY: There're worse things to have shot, sir! Just keep bobbin' and weavin'. We're doin' what we can, back here!

One of the Binoshi accelerates suddenly, bringing itself frighteningly close beside the speeder. A well-placed shot hammers Resh, whose body goes slack, rolling out the back of the speeder. Lunging heroically, Itar grabs the Gotal by the pant cuff, holding him steady while Avery leans over Itar, sending a shot squarely into the assassin's chest. The thin, frightening being flies backward off his speeder bike, directly into the path of a large repulsorbus.

CABBIE: Oh, this is not going to look good for me!

Itar and Avery pull Resh back into the cab, securing him with a safety strap. Their particular strip of freeway has reached dizzying heights now, and the sky is darkening.

ITAR: Well, Avery, one more to go.

AVERY: Let's hope it stays that way.

The cab is rocked by more fire from the final bike, and has begun spitting out a thick trail of smoke.

CABBIE: Oh no! Tomorrow, I will almost certainly be unemployed!

DEVRON: Pal, if you get me out of this, you're coming workin' for me!

As the speeder approaches a bend in the high road, the last bike advances, dodging shots from Grakkata, Itar and Avery all the while. They all take cover as the bike pulls up right alongside them, its pilot firing madly into the cab. As it rises to gain a better vantage point, Grakkata roars in anger, and stands up, bracing herself against the seats. Surprised, the Binoshi takes aim at the Wookiee, though she's a couple of steps ahead. A thundering bolt from her bowcaster hammers the side of the bike, which falls, shattering against the elevated road. Its pilot flies off the side of the freeway, spinning away to the ground below.

CABBIE: (panicked) Well, I must tell you now, you have run up quite a fare! Yes, quite a fare indeed!

The cab screams off down the darkened freeway, in the direction of hangar cluster GN-31...


INT.: Treespirit storage room. The camera pans around, looking for the source of a low, distinctly un-mechanical droning/whining sound. It centres on a row of dirty storage lockers, lined up against one wall in the dim room. Closing up on one of them, an eerie blue light is faintly visible through a vent in its door. Two letters are stamped on the surface of the locker: AK...

INT.: Treespirit lounge area. All the crew and Devron Zal are present, relaxing with a hot drink while the vessel blasts through hyperspace, Elrood bound. With their recent escape, the tension between them has dissolved, and the mood is light.

DEVRON: Well, if I hadn't hired you guys, I'd probably be hanging on someone's wall right now. You say those Binoshi things work under contract to Imperial Mining?

AVERY: That's what we were told.

DEVRON: So I guess it stands to reason that not all of these pirate attacks can be pinned on the pirates. IML sure can stoop low...

ITAR: Though it seems Dorok Zalaster, at least, is very responsible for keeping the Binoshi going strong in the sector. Grakkata, it could be time we all took a good look at those notes Anybody gave you...

AVERY: ...and planned an offensive!

DEVRON: Wait a minute, what notes?

An annoying, insistent buzzing suddenly erupts from the bowels of the ship.

RESH: Aw, blast...

GRAKKATA: Hrrowwwlll!

DEVRON: What is it?

RESH: (rising) Nothing major. Time for the air circulator's daily beating, that's all. I'll be back.

He leaves them, headed for the engineering section of the ship.

DEVRON: (to Grakkata) You know, I have a cousin who's in starship sales... friendly guy, good prices!


INT.: Engineering. Resh walks into the dim chamber, glowrod in hand. He strides over to the air circulator, puzzled to discover that the machine is not the source of the racket. Following the noise, he finds himself kneeling in front of a row of panels on the climate control unit. One of these panels is not properly fastened.

RESH: That's funny...

He reaches down, pulling the panel off to discover the source of the buzzing. As he does so, a horrifying swarm of black flying insects erupts from the opening, flying full force into the Gotal's face.

RESH: Aagh!

He leaps backward, batting at the stinging bugs as he bounces off the walls, trying to find the way out of the chamber with his eyes closed. Unseen by him, two short, wiry black-clad figures appear, descending silently from the pipework in the ceiling.


INT.: Lounge. The others are still seated, waiting for Resh to return.

AVERY: ...and in a nutshell, that's why you should never touch Trandoshan mead unless you've had a really big meal...

RESH: (off) Aagh! You guys!

Everyone leaps up, on alert. To their horror, the Gotal comes charging into the room, his head surrounded by a thick cloud of stinging bugs. As he runs by them, the others are even more startled to see two Binoshi Assassins leaping toward them in a startling display of acrobatics. From their belts they pull their fearsome vibroglaives, ceremonial golden weapons of death. One of the assassins, a female, throws her vibroglaive at Itar, who leaps aside in surprise.

ITAR: Whoah!

The vibroglaive screams around the lounge, ultimately returning to its owner who, in the meantime, has drawn a small blaster. Effortlessly, the Binoshi catches the glaive, at the same time squeezing off two shots at Avery, who dives behind a chair for cover.

AVERY: Blast! These guys don't quit!

He, Itar and Grakkata draw their weapons, firing madly at the stowaway attackers, who spin and jump wildly, avoiding their shots with ease.

ITAR: I liked them better on the bikes!

Resh, meanwhile, has put some distance between himself and the stinging insects, who seem confused by the presence of other combatants in the room. The insects hang in the air for a moment, until the second Binoshi, a male, calls to them in a series of inhuman chirps, pointing back at the Gotal. The insects, seeming to understand, turn back toward Resh, and charge once again at full speed.

RESH: Uh-oh...

The Binoshi fight ferociously, gracefully avoiding volley after volley of blaster fire from the remaining Treespirit crew. Devron Zal, meanwhile, runs terrified down the corridor, headed for the refresher.

DEVRON: I'll see you all when it's over!

Avery stares after him angrily, ducking another screaming vibroglaive and taking a couple more potshots. One of the shots rings true, knocking the Binoshi female down. Even on her back, eyes closed, she is somehow able to catch the vibroglaive that has returned to her grasp, which she holds until death claims her.


Resh is in the workshop at the rear of the ship, stumbling, yelling, and trying to fight off the stinging bugs. His hands scrabble on the surface of a workbench, searching for something to keep the insects at bay. He lucks upon an aerosol canister, filled with paint. As the bugs continue stinging his burning face, he retrieves his cigaro lighter from his pocket, shooting the aerosol into the flame and taking aim at the bugs. The majority of the little pests ignite instantly, falling to the deck in smoking balls.

RESH: (laughing triumphantly) Take that, you cursed vermin!


The lounge. The combat against the lone Binoshi rages, the heroes gaining no headway. The assassin catches his spinning vibroglaive, dodges shots from them all, and sends the glaive once more on an arc of death. This time, his aim is true. The vibroglaive buries itself in Grakkata's chest with a sickening whine, the Wookiee slumping to the floor. Avery and Itar look on in shock, not even noticing the Binoshi leveling its blaster at them, when they are all surprised by a shout from one of the rear passages.

DEVRON: (striding into the room) Hey!

The assassin, distracted, levels its blaster at the young exec, while Avery, coming back to the moment, takes aim at the Binoshi and drops it with one clean shot to the face. No time for congratulations, everyone, including Resh and the droids, rushes to the Wookiee's aid.

ARRO: My master! My poor master!

They gather round, examining the wound, seeing the hopelessness of the situation. Grakkata bleeds heavily, clearly on the verge of death. Devron Zal tries to stop the wound, but it is obviously too deep. In a weak voice, Grakkata speaks a few words to them, translated by Arro-Six

ARRO: (sadly) ...The ship is yours... avenge me...

The group hang their heads in sorrow, powerless to help her, when they are interrupted in their mourning by a new sound, a strange droning/whining coming from one of the equipment storage rooms bordering on the lounge. Through the door and into the room comes an otherworldly ball of blue light, black as all emptiness at its centre. The ball floats under their bewildered gaze, coming to rest over the body of the fallen Wookiee woman. The spectre then begins to expand, until it is the same size as her body. The apparition descends, enveloping their captain, and then slowly begins to shrink, Grakkata's body and the vibroglaive disappearing into the shape. When it has reached its original size (about 20cm diameter), it begins to float away from them, back toward the equipment store. The others follow in amazement, trying not to let the phenomenon out of their sight. Entering the room, the ball of light slips through a hole, precisely the same size and shape as the orb, burned in one of the locker doors.

RESH: Avery, that's your locker... 

Avery runs forward, yanking his locker's door open, the group gathering around him as he peers inside. There, on a middle shelf, sits the alien jewel finger, the very artifact he discovered on his homeworld of Bodrin not so long ago. The very thing that led him to Grakkata in the first place. The crystalline finger sits quietly, then almost seems to glow, for a fleeting moment. 

Avery rests his head against the locker door, closing his eyes in sadness.


EXT.: Radell platform. The Treespirit rests beneath a majestic sunset, its crew standing beneath it, saying a few final words to Devron Zal.

DEVRON: (sincerely) Again, I can't begin to tell you how sorry I am for all this. Those beings were sent to kidnap me. I wish I could go back, and do something to change what happened.

AVERY: You did just fine. If you hadn't come back to the battle, that last Binoshi would have killed us, and taken you with it.

DEVRON: Well, one thing's for sure, that doesn't change the fact that I owe you all one big apology. And please - if there's ever anything I can do for you guys, come and find me here.

RESH: Thanks. I do believe we just may take you up on that, one day...

He and Avery turn away, striding up the boarding ramp. Itar, left standing on the platform, begins herding the droids aboard, acknowledging young Zal with a formal wave.

ITAR: Bye.

P.O.V.: Bird's eye view of the Treespirit, lifting off the platform. The camera then follows the Ghtroc freighter into the brilliant orange sunset, to watch it disappear among the clouds...


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